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Consulting Civil, Structural and Project Engineers.
RMCE offers professional consulting engineering services to a wide range of private, corporate and government organizations, nationally and internationally. We are committed to delivering innovative, flexible and integrated solutions and are a trusted partner of our clients and industry practitioners.
RMCE is ISO 9001:2008 compliant.

RMCE operates throughout Africa and further afield from our head office which is based in Midrand (Gauteng, South Africa) and provides engineering and related disciplines through our various associated companies.

Core Competencies include:
Reinforced and pre-stressed concrete
Earth retaining structures
Reinforced and plain masonry
Structural steelwork
Bulk infrastructure
Dry residue storage
Wind sensitive structures
Stormwater management and infrastructure
Water retaining structures
Silos, bunkers and saithes
Sewerage handling and treatment
Feasibility studies
Construction management
Contract administration
Cost engineering

Established in 1999, RMCE has a proven and successful track record in delivering professional civil and structural engineering services.
RMCE was established as a separate business unit resulting from the re-structuring of Leech Price Associates (Pty) Ltd, Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers. Leech Price Associates, based in Randburg, was established in 1983. This firm had a successful track record in the provision of both Civil and Structural engineering consulting services and was committed to transformation and the development of historically disadvantaged persons in South Africa. During 1997, the firm expanded operations with the Structural Department re-locating to Midrand so that the Civil and Structural Departments, which have substantially different operational requirements, could function more efficiently.

RMCE is committed to servicing and supporting associated organizations that provide engineering, procurement and project management services to the commercial, industrial, retail, telecommunications and mining industries. In this regard RMCE has built up core skills internally as well as having established strategic relationships with other specialist consulting engineers. As a group, RMCE possesses technical skills in engineering that cover a broad spectrum of the services that are required for almost all infrastructural, mining, industrial and commercial developments.

RMCE has been responsible for the structural design of some of the largest local construction contracts, but are equally adept at efficient handling of small projects.

Memberships and Committees
RMCE and/or staff are members of the following bodies:
Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)
Consulting Engineers South African (CESA)
Southern African Institution of Steel Construction (SAISC)
Member of SA Institute of Civil Engineers (SAICE)
Member of Institution of Structural Engineers (London)(iStructE)
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
RMCE has been represented on several national and international committees:

ACI 313: Concrete Silos for the Storage of Granular Materials
Member American Concrete Institute Committee 313 - Code Review Committee

SABS 0400 Masonry Code
Member SAICE ICE Joint Structures Division - Code Review Committee

SANS 10160 Loading Code
Member SAICE Working Group on SANS 10160 Loading Code

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